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At IMPACT Secondary PRU, we believe that all students are only able to achieve their potential if they attend school punctually and avoid missing lessons. Our expectation is for students to achieve at least 96% attendance and punctuality.

What constitutes good attendance?

Attendance percentages are not like exam results: an attendance percentage needs to be above 97% before it is considered good.

Attendance figures below 90% are a cause for concern:

There are 190 school days per year and 175 other days for holidays, birthday treats and non-urgent appointments.           

0 days off school
Equates to 2 days off school each year
Equates to 5 days off school each year
Equates to 10 days off school each year
Slight Concern
Equates to 20 days off school each year
Equates to 30 days off school each year
Very Concerned

How does attendance affect outcomes for pupils?  

Being in school is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Evidence suggests that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results. 

By attending school on a regular basis, your child is more likely to keep up in lessons. Students who attend regularly are more likely to pass exams than students who don’t attend school on a regular basis. Attendance is central to every school as it is fundamental to a child’s social, academic and emotional development. We want all our pupils to have the opportunity to reach their full academic potential and achieve in line with their capabilities. This is the entitlement of every child, and it is the role of both schools and parents to ensure we give them every opportunity to learn. By being present at school your child is learning how to be a good citizen by participating in the school community, learning valuable social skills.

Excellent school attendance is also key as it plays a key part in safeguarding policies and protocols. Attendance is a great life skill for pupils to learn as it will be a requirement throughout their adult life.