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The governors and staff at Impact are committed to the inclusion of all students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in to the full life of the school, with equal access to the curriculum so that each of our students can flourish. Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision plays an integral part in supporting our students to develop and progress academically, personally and socially.

Our Vision

We always aim to raise the aspirations and expectations of all students, including students identified with Special Educational Needs. We firmly believe that provision for students with SEND is the responsibility of the whole school and our ambition for all our young people with SEND is central to this.

Our key vision ‘I CAN’ holds Inclusion at the heart of everything we do. SEN/D underpins our teaching and learning, regardless of particular needs or abilities. Every child, whatever their difficulties, is supported in finding strategies to deal with/overcome them.

As an inclusive school with a large and diverse population of learners with SEND, our inclusive curriculum enables us to support our students to become independent learners with a wealth of life skills to prepare them for their Post-16 courses, and beyond.

Our Values 

  • We welcome difference and diversity.
  • We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure they are well-informed and centrally involved in the life of the school.
  • We will always involve parents and carers and their children in planning and reviewing progress; we know that parents are the first educators of their child; we need their knowledge to plan effectively.
  • We know that the earlier we identify special educational needs and provide support, the more successful our students will be.
  • We will provide expert support and resources for students with SEN/D to fulfil their potential.
  • Using a whole-school approach to making provisions for students with SEN/D: we make sure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to support all students with SEN/D in our school; differentiate within lessons and create an inclusive learning environment for all.

At IMPACT we follow a graduated approach to providing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) support:

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child and any SEN/D needs please contact Mrs Shields by email at

SENCO details

Lauren Shields, Deputy Head,

For further information on Sefton's SEN Local Offer, please visit Sefton's Local Offer page

Sefton SEND Local Offer Leaflet

Sefton Disabled Children Register

Sefton Council SEND Local Offer